Major Club / Foundation Sponsors

Interview with Dave K3EL
Interview with Dave K3EL and Chris N6WM


April 14, 2024

The Northern California DX Foundation presented the TX5S team the DXcellence Award.





Nodir EY8MM published a TX5S photograph book, 239 pages of beautiful color photographs.
The book may be purchased at: Click Here


May 13, 2024

Image at Coventry South Mail Centre at 8am Monday 13 May 2024, QSLs country sorted, bagged, labelled and on their way to Heathrow International Distribution Centre.

Kindest Regards, Tim Beaumont MØURX


TX5S QSL Cards

May 7, 2024

TX5S QSL Manager Tim M0URX reports that by end of day Wed May 8th all the outgoing TX5S QSL cards will be ready for presort. By Friday, May 10th all necessary weights, measures and postal documentation will be completed.  The cards will be mailed from the United Kingdom on Monday, May 13th.  Please allow sufficient time for mail delivery from the UK.

April 8, 2024

The QSL cards were designed by Dave K3EL, they are at the printer being manufactured by Max at ON5UR QSL Print Services in Belgium. They will be shipped to Tim M0URX in the UK, from where they will be posted.  There will be the usual full color folded card, a separate buro/overflow card and a card for N6WM/MM.

The QSL cards will be posted in mid – late May.  OQRS shows the card(s) as mailed.  What that means today is the mailing labels have been printed.  Please, no more emails about the QSL cards. Expect to see your QSL cards late May – mid June.


The Perseverance DX Group (PDXG) is organizing a team of experienced DXpedition and contest operators to activate Clipperton Island (IOTA NA-011), currently Clublog #38 most wanted (#26 EU). The team will be QRV on 160-6 meters, SSB, CW, RTTY, FT8, 6m EME, and Satellites. We plan to leave San Diego, California on Jan 11, 2024 and arrive Clipperton Jan 17, 2024. Current schedule is to be on the island for 14 days. The call sign TX5S was issued for this project. The DXpedition is completed.

Clipperton Island is an uninhabited coral atoll in the eastern Pacific Ocean. It is 10,677 km from Paris, France, 5,400 km from Papeete, Tahiti, and 1,080 km from Mexico. It is an overseas state private property of France under direct authority of the Minister of the Overseas. The weather will be tropical with hot temperatures and high humidly. The team will erect tents for radio operations, sleeping and eating.

The island is inhabited by various bird species and millions of crabs. Our campsite will be sited to avoid disturbance to the wildlife. Establishing a camp site required extensive research, documentation and permission from several government agencies, each of which approved our plan. The most recent major DXpeditions to Clipperton were: 2013 as TX5K, in 2008 as TX5C and in 2000 as FO0AAA. Additionally, during 2015 there was a scientific expedition to Clipperton. Operating as TX5P, Alain F6BFH made several thousand contacts.  There has never been FT8 or 60m operation from Clipperton.

Transportation will be provided by The Shogun, from San Diego, California, Shogun has been to Clipperton many times for DX and scientific expeditions. We will depart from, and return to, San Diego, transit time is expected to be 6 days each way. The ship’s crew of 6 seamen will manage all equipment and people transport to and from the island.

We would like to thank the French government, the Office of the High Commissioner, and the ANFR of French Polynesia for their cooperation and assistance throughout the landing permit application process.

